St. Patrick
St. Mary
420 E 6th St, Minonk, IL
Knights of Columbus: 3rd Thursday of the month 7:30 PM
Altar & Rosary Society: 2nd Wednesday of the month, Sep-Apr 9:00 AM, May-Aug 7:00 PM, December Christmas Brunch TBD
Bingo: 3rd Sunday of the month Jan-Nov 2:00 PM
St. Patrick's Sewing: Jan-Oct 9:00 AM
207 W 3rd St, Wenona, IL
Altar and Rosary Society: 1st Tuesday after the 1st Sunday of the month
St. Ann
St. John the Baptist
311 W Santa Fe Ave, Toluca, IL
Knights of Columbus: 2nd Tuesday of the month 6:30 PM
301 S Sheridan, Lostant, IL
St. John the Baptist Oratory is not a Parish, it is under the care
of St. Mary's Catholic Church and The Friends of St. John's
Cenacle of the Marian Movement of Priests Thursday 9:00AM
Adoration & Confession 4:15 PM First Tuesday of the Month
Followed by Mass at 5:00 PM
Events and Activities will be announced in the bulletin