Contact Us

Sacraments and Baptisms
Please contact the Parish Office to schedule.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
After every 8:00 a.m. daily Mass
Weddings are performed only for a registered parishioner. The couple must
contact the Parish Office (Pastor) at least six months before desired date to fulfill Diocesan requirements.
Ministry of the Sick
Contact the Parish Office during normal office hours to arrange visits for those who are
homebound or hospitalized. In case of an emergency, call the Friary Office (815) 853-4558.
Contact Information
To submit church or community-related announcements for the bulletin, please contact the parish office. Deadline for submitting items is Monday at noon.
We warmly welcome new parishioners and visitors! New parishioners may register by calling the parish office during normal office hours.
Office Hours
Monday - Wednesday, Friday: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Thursday: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday: CLOSED
Phone: 815-853-4558
Fax: 815-853-0111
Parish Office and Mailing Address for All Churches
207 W 3rd Street South, Wenona, IL 61377
Office Administration
Robin Phillips - Secretary
Beth Palm - Bookkeeper
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